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Inclusive Recruitment Processes

The recruiter's role in the working opportunities for people with disabilites.

  1. Sentando las bases: donde analizaremos el marco conceptual y regulatorio de la discapacidad, las barreras y la accesibilidad. Estos conocimientos serán la estructura de nuestra futura búsqueda inclusiva.
  2. Construyendo confianza: donde desarrollaremos las habilidades para interactuar con las personas con discapacidad. Al aprender de su “día a día” podremos construir relaciones desde la equidad y la igualdad.
  3. Desafiando miradas y generando oportunidades: donde articularemos todo lo aprendido con tus conocimientos profesionales. ¿El resultado? ¡Un proceso de selección inclusivo que puede cambiar vidas!

Within the diversity inclusion process, people with disabilities represent a group that brings high added value to the organization. In this context, the collaborators of the People Management area have the opportunity to promote these searches, generate greater inclusion, and thus fulfill a role as an agent of social change.

This course explores not only the search and selection process but also provides tools to develop the inclusive selector profile, aligned with the emerging reality.


- Provide information, tools and practical cases to generate inclusive and accessible selection processes for PcD.

- To collaborate with the understanding of the aptitudes and competencies of the group.

- To offer an opportunity for learning and professional development in the field of personnel selection.

- Create awareness and promote inclusive actions to be an agent of change.

Aimed at: Personnel selectors, HR consultants, students of HR and related careers, and anyone interested in the subject. 

Duration: 3 meetings of 2 hours each. 

Facilitators: Mercedes Viola, Dana Poklepovic, Victoria Chavarini

Synchronous in Zoom Platform + asynchronous consultation forum.
Certificate Delivery

for more information contact

* cover photo of the short film  The Interviewer